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Buy Sanfe Products Online in India

Women, multi-tasker, constantly juggling between work, social, and many other responsibilities, often give their hygiene a cold shoulder. And the lack of availability of products is one of the reasons for that. Sanfe, is an Indian brand for women that focuses on feminine hygiene and period care products. Sanfe products are rash-free, natural, and organic making them safe and comfortable for the body as well as the environment. Because they believe that every time a woman wins a battle, the world becomes a better place. With the range of the following products, Sanfe is trying to make the world a better place for women.

Sanfe intimate hygiene products

You might not know this but your intimate area requires as much care and attention as your body. And to be honest, it takes a little extra care than your regular bathing sessions because the pH levels are different and it is very important to ensure that level is not disturbed, otherwise it may cause irritation and skin problems in your intimate area. 

Sanfe Intimate Wash  is a 3-in-1, no itch, no odor, and no irritation formula that keeps your vaginal area free from bacteria and maintains the pH balance of the vulva. Made with 100% purified water, tea tree essential oil, and aloe vera extracts, this wash gently cleanses and keeps you fresh. 

Sanfe intimate spray is a sulfate and paraben-free formula to deodorize your intimate area. Rich with tea tree oil, witch hazel, lavender, and aloe vera extracts, this spray prevents infections, moisturizes skin, and gets rid of the foul smell. These hypoallergenic ingredients are suitable for all skin types. 

Sanfe brightening intimate scrub has to dissolve jojoba beads that exfoliate dead skin cells and dirt. It deeply nourishes your skin while brightening and making it even-toned and polished. The goodness of cranberry extracts, walnut granules, and witch hazel makes it completely safe and rash-free for the skin.

Sanfe panty liners, to protect your underwear from vaginal discharge, spotting, or absorbing light menstrual flow, are used. Pantyliners are basically thin absorbent pads that keep you dry, stain-free, and fresh throughout the day. These liners are made completely with bamboo fiber and are absent of synthetic chemicals making them perfect for regular use.

Sanfe stand and pee product, a blessing for all the women out there. Being a woman we know how difficult it is to urinate in public washrooms since we have to sit down or squat to do the business. The lack of proper sanitation can cause infections in your intimate area. Be fearless or we can say Pee fearless with the sanfe stand and pee funnel. This helps you to travel freely and explore more without the fear of knee pain while squatting or getting infections from dirty washrooms.

Other than intimate hygiene products, sanfe offers other essential products such as:

Sanfe underarm razor

This ergonomically designed razor gives a clean and smooth shave to your underarms. With this, no mess razor, get instant and painless hair removal at home. 

Sanfe back and bum products

If your back and bum are not in your eye line, it doesn't mean that it does not exist and does not require any care. In fact, your posterior area is often acne-prone, and not taking enough care of it may affect the skin causing rashes and breakouts. To take proper care of your posterior, cleanse it with Sanfe back and bum scrub to clear acne and dry skin cells, after cleansing, apply Sanfe back and bum lightening cream to moisturize  and brighten the area.

From Sanfe hair vanish lotion, to Sanfe hair removal razor to stand and pee funnel, Sanfe has got you covered for your hygiene essentials. And you can shop all of these Sanfe essentials from your one-stop shop  cossouq. Also, as you look for your cosmetic essentials on cossouq, make sure you avail yourself of benefits from coss coins! Check them out if you haven’t registered yet. 

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